Friday, February 26, 2010

Meet my little...boy?

The other day I was at work and I got a text from one of Mary Ford's teachers. She was asking me what time I was planning on picking her up because she was out of clothes. I found this strange since she usually has two spare outfits there. But, I wrote her back and let her know that I would be there soon and would she be able to wait an hour or so. Miss Ashley said off course and then she asked a very important question...had I fed Mary Ford prunes? I laughed out loud hysterically because yes, the night before I had decided to give them a try and she LOVED them! I had no idea they would really have such an effect on her, but they sure did. When I went to pick her up, I walked into the room and saw the cutest little boy sitting in the was my daughter!!! Since she had "blown" through all her own clothes, they had looked in their spare closet. They said they pulled out the only girl's outfit, read the tag which said 3 months, held it up to Mary Ford and quickly decided there was no way she was going to fit. So, they had to resort to putting her in little boy's clothes. It definitely gave me a glimpse of what my son might look like one day!
On this same note, does anyone else have a problem with strangers always thinking that your baby girl is a boy? Everywhere we go people are asking us, "What is his name?" or "He is so cute" or "My, that is a big boy". It's really starting to get on my nerves...

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